Download Korean Tale of the Nine Tailed 1938 S02 (Korean Drama)
The series follows the daily life of a teenage girl named Youngshim. She is an innocent yet zany girl who is suffering from princess syndrome. The story also tells about her family, friendship, and travel to unfamiliar places. She has a boyfriend named Wang Gyeong Tae, who loves her very much and always follows her. However, he is considered ugly and stutters when he speaks. Although she treats him coldly; she shows considerable jealousy when he finds out Gyeong Tae is with another girl.
The upcoming adaptation drama “Oh! Youngshim” will follow Youngshim in her 30s. It will tell about how she spent her puberty in a raging rage. She fell in love with life and love even though no one told her to. Moreover, it will also tell the story of Youngshim and Kyung-Tae Wang.
Status : Ongoing
Year : 2022
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This Video is 150 MB